Tai Chi Chih Classes at Saddle River County Park
The Bergen County Department of Health Services will be sponsoring tai chi chih classes from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., May 7, 14 and 21, at the Saddle River County Park. in Ridgewood. This event is co-sponsored by Community Health Improvement Partnership of Bergen County and The Valley Hospital.
Tai chi chih is a practice of 20 relaxing and shifting movements that enhance and balance energy. The calming movements refresh and strengthen mind, body and spirit. It is known to lessen the effects of chronic disease and depression.
Admission is free. Location: 1100 E. Ridgewood Ave. For more information or to register(required), call 201-634-2693, email Marla Klein at mklein@co.bergen.nj.us or visit HealthyBergen.org.