Local Practitioners Leverage the Wisdom of Mindfulness
Photo Caption (L to R): Dawn Pikowski and Renee Pikowski
by Avery A. Adams
Many people find themselves struggling to accomplish daily tasks and obligations while managing an endless to-do list of activities. This puts the mind into hyperdrive and can have us feeling overwhelmed, worried about the future or kept awake at night with restless thoughts. Society has become more fast-paced, and higher demands are placed on individuals of all ages. As a result, the connection between each moment is lost. This is when a mindfulness practice is most needed.
Mindfulness is the art of focusing on the present moment, and truly embracing the now. Wellness center owners, Dawn and Renee Pikowski have found that one of the keys to a happy future is to fully embrace each and every moment. They have integrated their knowledge and experience to develop their workshops and classes in a way that provides a more effective manner of living for a more harmonious life.
The workshops are designed for all ages and organizations, including schools, hospitals, institutions, corporations or even a cozy gathering at home. They are accessible and adaptable for everyone and can be facilitated with any available client resources.
The Pikowskis employ unique skills and techniques when teaching clients how to quiet the mind and calm the body. An interactive approach is used to instruct individuals how to incorporate daily practices into their lives such as gentle yoga, mindfulness-based meditations, breathing exercises and noticing body sensations, as well as building sensory skills.
After a daily mindfulness practice is established, individuals can expect to see multiple benefits. Some of these include reduced stress and anxiety, increased focus and concentration, a happier outlook, feeling more empowered, improved decision making, improved academic success, and reduced work-related stress, as well as more positive coping skills.
Dawn states, “Employing mindfulness techniques into daily life allows us to better adapt to changing circumstances ,while reducing stress and disharmony within the body. This instills resilience and allows for a more harmonious life.”
Healing4TheSoul Wellness Center is located at 199-B Boulevard, in Hasbrouck Heights. For more information, call 201-288-0011 or visit Healing4TheSoul.com.