Hormones are the Key to Aging
by Susan Matos-Cloke
Each part of the body has a specific job, from the brain to the skin, heart, kidneys and muscles. They all take direction from the endocrine system to get the work done. The glands of the endocrine system send out hormones that tell each part of the body what work to do, when to do it and for how long. Hormones are vital to health and well-being. Upset any part of the delicate balance, especially the production of endocrine hormones, and like a chain reaction, it disrupts the entire system.
The arrival of middle age begins this process of physical disruption and imbalance. That’s when hormone production declines in women and men both. By the time a woman reaches her early 50s, she completely stops making her most important estrogen— estradiol. At the same time, her progesterone and testosterone levels all but disappear. Diminished testosterone production in middle-aged men can actually cause them to become estrogen-dominant at this stage of their lives.
Beyond creating sexual performance issues, a long list of other distressing symptoms often accompanies midlife hormone deficiency. Unwanted weight gain, loss of sexual desire, fatigue, depression, increased anxiety and irritability, hot flashes, night sweats and migraines are just a few of the signs of a body out of sync. It’s also a time when relationships falter and physicians too often prescribe counseling and anti-depressants instead of hormone replacement.
Perhaps the most alarming outcome of hormone deficiency, however, is the growing vulnerability to aging-related diseases. Abundant research continues to link low levels of key hormones with increased risk of diseases like osteoporosis, prostate and breast cancer, coronary artery disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and others.
Healthy hormone levels are associated with optimum brain function, emotional and physical well-being, cardiovascular and bone health, breast and prostate health, cell growth regulation, beneficial blood sugar levels, better sexual function and satisfaction and more.
Properly restoring testosterone and estrogen (specifically estradiol) to the levels of younger years replenishes the body and gives it what it needs. Hundreds of body functions depend on the presence of these key hormones in order to work properly. This is true whether we are male or female, 19 or 91. Our need for hormonal balance never goes away.
Using Pellet Implants Could be a Passport to Healthier Aging
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help keep us on the road to a more vibrant manner of aging. When we combine a appropriately administered pellet implant with a healthful diet, regular exercise and other aspects of a beneficial lifestyle, we reap plentiful rewards.
Many people don’t realize that bioidentical pellets have been prescribed and researched since the 1930s. Abundant medical literature in respected international journals supports pellet implants as the safest and most effective hormone delivery system available. Pellet doses can be individualized and will go to work around the clock for three to four months.
Additionally, pellet therapy is more convenient and cost-effective than other synthetic hormone replacement therapy methods. Pills, patches, injections, creams and gels all come with a long list of downsides. Also, hormonal balance may be difficult or impossible to achieve using them. Considering the expense and bothersome repeat dosages, there is no viable reason in this day and age to take a chance on the side effects and serious health risks of synthetic hormone treatments.
Utilizing natural hormone therapy is like taking a proactive position to manage the aging process. It is wise to have hormone levels tested before the symptoms and related health issues escalate. It is best to find a specialist, preferably someone with expertise in bioidentical pellet implants. One of the keys to optimal well-being rests with the type and quality of the hormones administered, the delivery method being used and the skill and knowledge of the practitioner.
Dr. Susan Matos-Cloke owns and operates Advanced Hormone Solutions, located at 122 E. Ridgewood Ave., in Paramus. For appointments, , call 201-225-2525, email Appointments@ahsclinics.com or visit AdvancedHormoneSolutions.com.