Stress Management Workshop
Kathy Werheim, director of community resources for Bergen’s Promise, in Rochelle Park, will be conducting an interactive stress workshop, Putting Our Strengths to Work Against Stress, from 7 to 9 p.m., September 10. Doors open at 6 p.m.
Organized by Stigma-Free Englewood, in partnership with the Department of Health and Englewood Health, the workshop includes light refreshments. Attendees can also pick up door prizes after the workshop, as well as handouts and giveaway items from the agency resource tables.
Bergen’s Promise is the designated Care Management Organization for Bergen County. It helps youth with serious behavioral health problems, substance abuse issues and developmental disabilities. Part of its goal is to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma associated with these topics. The workshop will focus on stress, because unmanaged stress is known to cause physical and mental health issues.
Admission is free. Location: 73 S. Van Brunt St., Englewood. To register, visit