A Glimpse Into Our Divinity
Angelica “Pat” spent the entire summer in Peru and Costa Rica. The primary motive for her journey was to further her education in the use of medicinal plants and other natural elements for the purpose of better assisting her clients. Her prolonged stay in South and Central America allowed her to better experience the culture and spirit of the people native to this part of the world, as well as the mystical essence of the Amazon jungle. While there, Pat participated in various indigenous medicine ceremonies that deepened her understanding of life and what we’re actually doing within it.
While recently practicing a deep-trance meditation Pat learned in the Amazon, she connected with the following insights: “I am currently in a very harmonious and beautiful state…a place that feels like the beginning of creation, as well as the rest of eternity…a place that contains all of the blessings, gratitude, love and compassion that emanates from us all…the ones that challenged themselves with this current incarnation on Earth. We are the souls that don’t give up. We will never completely lose our connection to love, faith and grace. We remain strong in this realty and the many other realities in which we play for all of eternity. We are the souls whose light never fades away and never stops singing the wave that flows through the heart of every single soul in all of existence. Nothing can change the fact that we are all created from eternal love and light. The light we shine is made of love and compassion, and it can never be completely overcome by fear.”
“Keep shining your light to every soul that crosses your path. We need each other’s love and support, and to also cherish the experiences we have with those we are matched with in this current destiny of ours as we move through our selected journeys together. We are immensely intelligent and powerful, but in these human shells, we can sometimes be thoughtless and hurtful. Don’t be afraid to reveal without fear your true and vulnerable selves to each other. Love and compassion is the medicine for the many challenges we face.”
“Even if you find yourself in a most challenging state of affairs, remember that you are loved, and you are already surrounded by your true family right here on Earth. All the love we need is already here.” Love tends to follow the same dynamics as respect. You typically have to give some to get some, and most of us know from those old, wise proverbs that we typically get as good as we give.
Be strong, and more importantly, be kind to yourself. We are all a single thread in a large, beautiful tapestry.
Keep on smiling and moving forward, our brothers and sisters.
Happy holidays!
Angelica Pat Sanshompoo and Jerry Hocek, Publishers