Integrative Wellness Center in Saddle River Hosts Open House
Body Positive Works is holding an open house from noon to 5 p.m., March 31, in Saddle River. At this family-friendly event, attendees will learn what sets Body Positive Works apart from other wellness centers. Light refreshments will be served.
They will learn how to destress, detoxify and heal using Body Positive Works’ unique combination of offerings including traditional psychotherapy, Pilates and nutritional counseling as well as holistic offerings such as yin and other types of yoga, ayurveda, chiropractic, meditation and reiki. Light refreshments will be served.
Body Positive Works is an integrative health haven offering health and wellness programs and services that help women, men and children connect with and celebrate their true selves in an accepting and supportive environment.
Body Positive Works is located at 96 E. Allendale Rd., Saddle River (white house across from the school), parking in front and rear. To book appointments or for more information, call 201-708-8448 or visit