Unconditional Love
Here’s an Indian-inspired herbal infusion featuring classic Ayurvedic herbs that help spread unconditional love that is so needed in the world right now. It’s recommended that you serve the infusion on heated rose quartz crystals; this will continue to emanate the love. This recipe is best made in larger quantities and stored for use throughout the year or whenever you need to spread or share more love with friends and family.
Yields: 3½ oz beverage
.7 oz cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
½ oz ginger root (Zingiber officinalis), dried
.2 oz ashwagandha root (Withania somnifera), dried
.2 oz rhatavari root (Asparagus racemosus), dried
½ oz rose petals (Rosa spp), dried
.4 oz rose hips (Rosa canina), dried
1 oz tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum), dried
For the warm rose quartz:
3-4 Rough pieces of rose quartz crystal
Mix all the herbs together in a large bowl, then decant into a sealable pouch or jar, being sure to store away from direct sunlight.
Cleanse the crystals, by first rinsing and gently scrubbing them under running water, then place in the sun for a few hours and whisper some love poetry to them.
Place the crystals in the oven on a low heat (158 to 170° F) for 15 minutes, or until hot. Place the crystals in the teacups.
For a pot for 3 to 4 people, take 6 heaping teaspoons of the blend, pour over freshly boiled water, infuse with the lid on for 5 to 6 minutes, then fine strain and serve in cups over the warm pieces of rose quartz crystal.
Recipe courtesy of Michael Isted, the Herball.
Photo: by Susan Bell