Letter From Publisher
We live in unprecedented times, and Covid-19 is perhaps the biggest challenge to humanity in modern history, just as we were preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, a time to celebrate our ever-nurturing mother Earth.
In the short span of a few weeks, we all have witnessed a changed world. Our science has conquered major diseases, invented nano-technologies and stands ready to establish new habitats beyond the Earth. These New Age leaders are planning to colonize Mars and the Moon in the next decade. Those plans will still go ahead but now with new appreciation of our natural and first home—the Earth.
Mother Earth has a plan of its own to humble we humans as the Covid-19 virus rampages through country after country, disregarding borders, taking many lives and disrupting our way of life we know it. Perhaps this, along with the phenomenon of global warming, is nature’s way of telling us that we have stray too far from our roots.
It’s great to see people and communities take care of each other and make sacrifices for the greater good.
My new journey with Natural Awakenings has allowed me to meet new people and learn about their services and approaches to a natural way of well-being and holistic living. We have started a program of community engagement on Facebook, and in the coming days will be on Instagram and Twitter. You can join us on social platforms at @NAnorthNJ and find our community partners and all the goodness of Natural Awakenings.
This is a tumultuous time, and like many others, it shall pass. Stay safe and keep the faith.
Please let me hear your thoughts at Anil@NaturalAwakenngsNNJ.com.