Letter From Publisher
Have You Tried Something New?
This summer of physical distancing and work from home has given us all some extra time. Besides spending it with family or getting extra ZZZs, you may have been inspired to try something new. Whether it is a new hobby, a new experience or a new frame of mind, we would love to hear from you.
The economy has been slowly improving, and we have learned new ways to live in the pandemic. Local businesses that are agile have an opportunity to adapt to these new consumer behaviors and lifestyles. Some aspects that all businesses can improvise on are contactless interactions, increased screen times—especially for kids—increased digital media and social networks, gathering in open spaces and more.
We at Natural Awakenings magazine understand our readers and advertisers very well, and can help in creating an effective digital marketing strategy and social media management plan.
We are excited to announce our social media collaboration with Gillian Stollwerk Garrett, aka “Gilly”, founder of Gilly’s Organics. Gilly (pronounced with a strong G, like “greens” and “girl power”), is a speaker, coach, advocate for women and a mentor in her spare time, in addition to being a wife and mom of three terrific kids.
We have been following Gilly on social media for some time now, and we love her warm, empowering vibe and how she supports entrepreneurs, especially in the wellness space. She has an exceptional line of skin and hair products that are found in Whole Foods in NY, NJ, CT, online, in wellness centers, health food stores and more (https://gillysorganics.com). We were taken with her contagious energy, charisma, drive and generosity, and are also big fans of her healing products. Look for some really cool interviews on Instagram, where she will be highlighting wellness and well-being warriors.
Mask on and stay safe. Find a lot more health and wellness resources in Natural Awakenings magazine and online on Facebook and our website.
Please tell us about your summer endeavors and other thoughts at publisher@naturalawakeningsnnj.com.