Letter From Publisher
In the beautiful fall season of the Northeast, we can enjoy the leaves turning colors from green to shades of yellow, orange and red while geese can be seen flying south. Pumpkins are for sale everywhere, and so are pumpkin-flavored lattes, muffins and cakes… savor them while you can.
With about a month to go before election day in the most successful democracy on Earth, pundits and historians are touting this to be the most important decision in the history of mankind, so it is imperative that we all find time to exercise our right to cast our vote.
To borrow the words of my fellow publisher Paul Chan, “Start now and generate positive feelings throughout the month so that by the time November third rolls around, perhaps we can collectively generate a tidal wave of positivity that drives more positive people to the polls. Remember: like attracts like. If you spend October criticizing, decrying, screaming, abhorring and hating, what type of voters do you think are going to show up in waves?”
Our longtime participants in the magazine Sheryl Silver and Susan Toron are celebrating the fourth anniversary of Salt of Earth Healing Center. Check out their informative articles in the current issue and look out for events and special offers all through the month. Also read Thara Prasad-Jhooti’s philosophy for founding her first class Fire Shaper yoga studio and how she is working through the COVID-19 challenges.
As part of our evolution, North Jersey Natural Awakenings will be hosting our first live virtual event on October 15. We are working very hard to bring in an ensemble of distinguished local experts in health and wellness. I ask readers as well as patrons to RSVP to the email invites in the coming weeks. Lets get together and make North Jersey healthy and strong.
And it goes without saying, “mask on and stay safe.” Find many more health and wellness resources in this Natural Awakenings magazine and online on Facebook and our website www.naturalawakeningsnnj.com.
Please email us about your summer endeavors and other thoughts at Publisher@naturalawakeningsnnj.com.