Letter From Publisher
Welcome to 2021
Best wishes to all our readers and businesses; we have hopefully put the tumultuous year behind us. We know very little of future, but we can always impact what lies ahead of with choices we make today. This is specially true for a healthy and sustainable living lifestyle.
Most of our readers are already thinking ahead with a strong belief in health and wellness. They are make healthy choices towards for themselves, their family and the community at large using the resources of this Natural Awakenings print magazine, as well as online resources.
We all have experienced our extraordinary ability as a society to adapt, innovate and grow on a global and local level. From innovations in science and medicine that accelerated the development of a COVID-19 vaccine to the social awakening of citizens to bring broad cultural changes and political participation. Humanity is under attack, but its equally strong resilience has turned the tide and will lead to new adaptions and innovations. Home fitness is one such lifestyle trend in recent months.
As part of our mission, we remain committed to provide local business and entrepreneurs a medium to work with local communities by educating readers about healthy leaving. Thinking forward to the new year, we would like to compile a list of local community members and nonprofit organizations that are providing philanthropic support in Bergen County and beyond in these uncertain times.
We are also working toward our next health and wellness summit on Thursday, March 4. Stay tuned for more details in coming weeks. Find more health and wellness resources for your body, mind and soul—the outer body and the inner, spiritual well being in Natural Awakenings magazine and online on Facebook and our website, NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Mask on and stay safe!!!
Please share your feedback and thoughts at Anil@naturalawakeningsnnj.com.