Understanding the Field of Potentiality
by Anne Deatly
We have a magnificent and extraordinary potential that we probably haven’t really tapped into. This incredible potential is very different from brain power, This power of potentiality controls the mind; it is our energy life force, or field of potentiality. It includes everything we want to create in our life. Every possible desire or desired outcome exists for us in any and every given moment. This field of potentiality is where we create your life the way we want it.
When we understand that we are the creator of our life, not circumstance, then we have the power to create something that is amazingly different from the life we’re now living. This is all based on science and universal laws.
For those interested in tapping into this field of potentiality to improve their health, wealth, relationships and circumstances. Here are five truths that will enhance the ability to step into the field of potentiality: We must believe we can have the desire; align with the desire; see ourselves receiving the desire; match the desire’s energetic vibration; and detach from receiving the desire.
Believing we can have what we desire: Believing we deserve and are worthy of receiving what we desire is key to receiving it. If we believe we don’t deserve it or are unworthy to receive it, this will block its receipt.
Aligning with the desire: Our conscious (physical world), subconscious (soul or essence) and superconscious (higher self) must all be aligned to receive that desire. Any incongruence in what we desire causes chaotic energy that is fear-based-and would block our receiving it.
Seeing ourselves receiving the desire: We can only receive what we see ourselves receiving. The brain does not know the difference between imagination and reality. Therefore, visualizing the receipt of the desire will help us receive what we want.
Matching the energetic frequency of the desire: Based on quantum physics, we only attract people, situations, events and opportunities at the same vibrational frequency of our own energy body. This is the universal law of attraction. Removing low vibrational frequencies or blocks in our energy field is key to connecting to our field of potentiality. Our desires don’t come to us, they come through us. Attracting and receiving depends on our energy frequency.
Detaching from receiving the desire: Desperation and neediness are low energies that will block receipt of the desire. We can have the desire if we aren’t attached to receiving it. If we are playful with receiving the desire, then it is easier to detach from the desire.
Dr. Anne M. Deatly is an advanced energy medicine practitioner and director of E Quantum Breakthroughs. For more information, call 201-925-1046, email Anne.Deatly@gmail.com or visit DrAnneDeatly.com.