Experiencing What We Desire
In his book, Feeling is the Secret, Neville Goddard explains the secret of getting what we want: “Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire.” Consciousness does not know the difference between imagination and reality. It can only function with what it is fed. Our consciousness only acts on what we put into it.
The laws of energy flow operate on what we put out energetically, and comes back to the original source. That is why it is so important to think and feel at higher vibrational frequencies. Whatever we desire, we must feel the feeling of already receiving it. We are already that desire.
If we are passionate about becoming something or if we want to experience something (like success in a particular field) or we want to have a new material object, then we have to experience that desire in the present moment. This is being in the “energy” or “spirit” of what we want. It is critical to have that feeling or the vibrational energy of what we desire in this present moment.
If we have a desire, that means it is already available to us. That desire is already energetically in our field. Now we just have to manifest the desire into the physical world. Manifesting what we really want is easy if we don’t sabotage it with doubt, fear or worry.
The truth is we have been programmed by society, parents and teachers to believe that we don’t make the cut, that we aren’t good enough. We are programmed for lack and limitation, so we verify that lack and limitation with our own perceptions.
We must change this programming because it stops us from seeing the abundance in the universe, being our best and realizing that we are divine. We are all connected to divine energy and if we open up, it will flow through us.
A change in consciousness and how we think is necessary to get what we really want. Our imagination is the key instrument for changing our lives. With some imagination, we can envision the wish fulfilled—that we already have what we desire or we already are the person we want to be.
Dr. Anne M. Deatly is an advanced energy medicine practitioner and director of E Quantum Breakthroughs. For more information, call 201-925-1046, email Anne.Deatly@gmail.com or visit DrAnneDeatly.com.