Letter from Publisher
Hope you all are safe and doing well. We may be finally turning the corner in this devastating pandemic. Be patriotic, be respectful and be masked! Masking prevents the spread and gives the community and local businesses a chance to return to a degree of normalcy we have been sorely missing. Think of it as a community service.
After a slow start, vaccination is streamlining and is more available every day. Vaccinations are a personal choice, and if you make that
choice, you will prevent the spread of COVID-19-related deaths. It’s that simples. So get vaccinated when your turn comes.
Our upcoming Health and Wellness Summit on Thursday, March 4, will have some illustrious speakers on heart (cardiovascular) issues. More details are available online. Sign up for free early bird spots. Find more health and wellness resources for your body, mind and soul—the outer body and inner, spiritual well-being in Natural Awakenings magazine and online on Facebook and our website, NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Mask on and stay safe!
Please share your feedback and thoughts at Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.