Stepping into Nature
My daily, meditative walks are a sacred ritual which allow my creative thoughts to flow as I drink in the beauty around me. My boots crunch leaves, twigs and pebbles as rustling leaves share their secrets with me. I anticipate the sweet caress of fresh air on my face, and
my eyes dance with joy as the answers to so many of my questions seem to magically appear in the solitude where I can actually hear my soul’s deepest desires.
I am obsessed with exploring new river paths and hidden trails that are home to frogs, snakes and lizards. I embrace the silence and admire mountain peaks, sheer cliffs, and cloud shrouded valleys. I feel most alive away from life’s noise and distractions where my connection to my inner thoughts pulses through.
When I first started taking meditative meditative walks, I didn’t like the quiet in my head or how alone I felt without a phone. Over time, I have become my own best friend and would never give up this opportunity to nurture my thoughts. I bask as the sun warms my face or plays through the leaves of trees. I marvel at gushing streams and squeal with inner joy and delight as I fill my lungs and heart with vibrant energy and enthusiasm. Learning to be alone has taught me the meaning of contentment.
The answers to so many questions come in this meditative time. The mountain peaks have provided me with great comfort while I grieved my father. The whispering wind has helped me heal my marriage. The solace has taught me how to soothe my anxiety and sort out problems with coworkers. I find inspiration for my books as creativity pours out of me so quickly, I can barely keep up with the flow of ideas. This time alone has taught me to rely on my instincts and intuition when making tough decisions. I have gained incredible strength from learning to rely and trust myself, which is a beautiful gift that blossomed from walking.
Before I begin, I pause to reflect on where I would like to gain clarity in my life. I like to look up at the sky and make a statement because it is vast and limitless. I want to feel that openness because when you open your heart and mind, the messages seem to come so effortlessly. I may ask God for clarity or speak a simple sentence to the Universe:
“Help me understand this situation.”
“Show me the lesson here. I am open and ready to learn.”
“Show me why I am doubtful, resentful, fearful, angry,…”
“Please guide me and show me the way.”
I am giddy with anticipation whenever I walk. Sometimes the clarity is spontaneous. Other times, I have to wait for the answers to come. Time is irrelevant as patience and persistence are integral parts of the journey to receiving perfect messages to help me live my best life. I am a better person, wife, mother, friend, and daughter because I have this time to think, feel centered, and truly understand the glory of life.
Georgette is a certified life coach who specializes in positive mindset strategies to overcome lifes’ challenges. Reach her at