Letter From Publisher
Spring Has Sprung
Hope you all are safe and doing well.
It’s been a year now that we have adopted a new way of life! I remember coordinating with some of the Earth Day events when suddenly
things changed. Events were cancelled. We had the April 2020 issue printed, but could not distribute on time because of lockdown. We all thought it will be few weeks or may be couple of months for life to return back to normal. With the advent of vaccines, that spirit has returned.
Generally this time of the year, we experience winter fatigue, but now we have spawned a new subset of fatigue conditions: social media fatigue, news fatigue, troll fatigue, digital exhaustion and on top of it all, Zoom fatigue. Whether this tiredness is a post-COVID-19 symptom or just depletion from the day-to-day rigors of life, most of us could use a sustainable energy boost.
Spring brings us brighter and warmers days. This year, it also brings the warmth of hope to local businesses as lockdown restrictions ease. I know we all are planning to do our best to get things back on track. During this month of Earth Day, readers can enjoy insights into sustainable living and climate change, and how we can contribute in little ways.
For fitness enthusiast, we have a very interesting article, “Eco-Athletes” (page18). We all can get ready and healthy to enjoy spring and summer using some valuable detox tips found on page 20.
Find more health and wellness resources for your body, mind and soul—the outer body and inner, spiritual well-being—in Natural Awakenings magazine and online on Facebook, Instagram and our website, NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Mask on and stay safe!
Please share your feedback and thoughts at Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.