The Phenomenon of Distance Healing
by Susan Bischak
Some practitioners claim that they can heal patients remotely; that is, not in physical proximity. Healing is something that cannot be packaged and delivered like groceries. The healer must be either in person or electronically via Zoom or other means, such as with online classes and appointments with doctors and psychologists.
We are all a big bundle of energetic atoms with whirling electrons. We are beings of energy. We are electromagnetic. Our heartbeats are analyzed with an EKG and our brains with an EEG. Our cells have powerhouses called mitochondria that create ATP to keep us going. Our bodies respond to Earth’s electromagnetic fields. All around us is what we may think of as empty space, but it actually isn’t empty at all.
In quantum physics, this space was referred to as aether (until being debunked by the Michelson–Morley experiment in 1887), the zero-point field, the quantum field or the Higgs field. “The Higgs field is a field of energy that is thought to exist in every region of the universe that gives rise to and interacts with matter,” writes Eileen McKusick in Electric Body, Electric Health. Author and researcher Lynne McTaggart has written about this field in her book The Field. The book is full of examples of research about people being beneficially affected at a distance by healers and lay people getting together to create good in the world.
Her most recent book, The Power of Eight, goes deeply into this phenomenon of people affecting others at a distance. “In physics, action at a distance is the concept that an object can be moved, changed or otherwise affected without being physically touched (as in mechanical contact) by another object. That is, it is the non-local interaction of objects that are separated in space.” By extrapolating this concept, which helped form our early theories about magnetism in the 19th century, as the ability of a practitioner to “send” healing to someone at a distance no matter how far, focused intention is perceived as relevant to the desired result.
Practitioners in Biofield Tuning, created by McKusick, are taught to use tuning forks to benefit a person at a distance in the same room or far away. The sound of the tuning forks, which is normally transmitted through the air, is said to move through the aether and interact with a person’s biofield, a hypothetical, toroidal-shaped space around the body containing stress from our lives, thus alleviating the stress.
Rev. Susan Bischak, CCT, CNC, is the owner of Natural Harmony LLC, and a Biofield Tuning practitioner. For more information, call 973-838-7211 or visit