Healing thyroid and hormonal imbalances from an energetic perspective
If a woman is struggling with persistent thyroid or hormonal health, it’s important to take a multi-faceted approach because the body, mind, emotions, and spirit are intimately connected.
Paying attention to the energetic components of what is going on is crucial because the bodily manifestation of an imbalance in hormones is a messenger that something deeper needs healing or addressing.
A common reason from a Shamanic and energetic perspective on why women struggle with thyroid and hormonal health is a sense of dissatisfaction about something in their lives but not knowing what it is or how to shift it.
This happens because of a cut-off from one’s inner expression.
What is inner expression? Inner expression is the ability to tell oneself the truth or express an accurate assessment of what’s going on in any given situation. That includes both external experiences as well as internal experiences.
Let me explain further. In some cases, a woman can be very clear that something needs to shift in her life, or she is aware of the patterns and places in her emotional landscape that are causing dissatisfaction.
But sometimes, a woman will know she is unhappy or dissatisfied with her body, health, or life but doesn’t have a clear and accurate sense of what needs to shift in her emotional or spiritual landscape.
In this case, often times, a woman can feel frustrated and blocked as she tries to shift patterns or adopt healthier ways of living and being. She can struggle with consistency and focus as she tries to solve her most challenging problems.
These feelings directly relate to being disconnected or cut off from inner expression.
This disconnection also causes a host of energetic problems in tandem with thyroid or hormonal health challenges, such as:
-indecisiveness and fuzzy or unclear thinking
-difficulty accessing one’s creative flow
-downstream blockages and imbalances in other chakras/energy centers
-blocks in expressing life purpose
-issues with boundaries
-allowing toxic relationships and situations to flourish in one’s life
-causing one to prioritize outer standards versus internal standards—such as familial or cultural vs. heart and soul.
Having a clear connection to one’s inner expression is the default state when we are born on this Earth. But over time, due to various traumas, experiences, familial and cultural situations, this connection can get disrupted.
Restoring a woman’s connection to inner expression allows her to develop a clear awareness of what in her personal history and present moment needs addressing. With this awareness she can work on her energetic and soul lessons or traumas and support her body in shifting her hormonal and thyroid health into a more optimal state.
Aarti Awatramani is an Intuitive Health Coach, Shaman, and the founder of Intuitively Well (intuitivelywell.com), a platform devoted to liberating women from the cloud of chronic health conditions, excess weight, and hormonal imbalances that prevent them from living life rooted in their power and beauty.