Letter from Publisher
It’s May, and spring has never been more welcome. Join us in celebrating not just a return to normalcy or even a sense that we can make things better than before, but that we will achieve the best that’s even been.
We have all just weathered a historically tragic year in our nation’s history. In the face of a once-in-a-century pandemic, our response was hobbled by stark political division. The status quo for many was severely damaged, and racial and economic injustice were laid bare. These are all significant issues, but we will repair them. Worst of all, hundred of thousands of mothers, fathers and extended family members will not be alive to witness the recovery.
This magazine is part of more than 50 Natural Awakenings franchises that began 25 years ago with a simple premise to provide, free of charge, professionally written stories on topics of mindfulness, green living, sustainability and natural health of universal appeal. In addition, each independently owned magazine would contribute hyperlocal coverage of events, products, services and developments of interest to the community.
In this issue, we have stories about women’s wellness, hair loss prevention, bodywork therapy, natural childbirth, homeopathy, cancer in pets and more. You’ll even find some interesting recipes. We haven’t forgotten about climate change, electric cars and organic farming, either. It’s what we do.
Martin Miron, editor