Unresolved Emotional Issues and Chronic Pain
Unresolved emotional pain can be the root cause of our physical pain. Pain is just a message from the body that energy is stuck in the location of the pain. The body is asking for resolution. Check with the body to get to the core issue or the root of physical pain and determine if there are unresolved emotional issues stuck somewhere.
Two energy systems hold emotional issues; 5 Rhythms and the chakra systems. The main imbalanced emotions in the 5 Rhythms system are fear, anger, panic, worry and grief/letting go. The chakra system can hold the same unresolved emotional issues in its layers. Each layer of each chakra can hold onto unresolved emotional issues. The different layers represent different phases of our lives (the length of the phases depends on age). If we haven’t resolved anger from our teenage years, then anger remains in the layer containing the energy of that phase. If we haven’t resolved anger from that previous phase, it is very likely we carry that unresolved issue into our next phase, as well.
The real issue is that when we have anger in different areas of our energy body, we see the world through an angry lens that represents a low vibrational frequency and transmit that frequency out into the universe. In response, the universe brings us more opportunities, people, situations and events from that low vibrational frequency. We think anger is real because this energy is all around us, but we are really creating it.
We can create whatever we want. One way to change our state is to remove the energy imbalances related to emotions in 5 Rhythms and chakras, especially each layer of each chakra.
Call Dr. Anne Deatly at 201-925-1046 or email anne.deatly@gmail.com.