Letter From Publisher
Here come the holidays!
Thanks to all our readers, the annual business directory issue last month was a great success as a handy reference guide to community health and wellness practitioners and businesses offering goods and services that complement the Natural Awakenings lifestyle. Show your love and support for local business and make communities stronger!
The cooler weather has got us all thinking of the eagerly awaited holiday season. Festivities are in the air after a very different year as friends and family come together to celebrate and enjoy the season’s spirit. One important ingredient for great holidays is food, and we have a delightful article, “Eat Well to Feel Well”, to uplift your mood.
Don’t miss another very important, informative and thoughtful article, “Dying Well”, about end-of-life planning. It’s a necessary topic to address for the sake of our loved ones, specially in today’s uncertain events. Above all, don’t forget to take precautions and practice safety per CDC guidelines for the greater good of our own loved ones and the entire community.
Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. We are online on Facebook, Instagram and our website, NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Stay Safe, Stay Happy!
Please share your feedback and thoughts at Publisher@NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.