Pros and Cons of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Most integrative medical practitioners routinely check a patient’s sex hormone levels, which are inherent to our physiology. Without them, we could not function properly. Maintenance of normal, youthful levels is beneficial to us throughout the life cycle. The question is whether hormone replacement therapy appropriate, warranted, necessary and /or safe.
Over the course of a lifetime, both men and women experience a decline in one or more of their sex hormones. For women, predictably, estrogen and progesterone fall to very low levels after menopause. For men, a reduction in testosterone levels may occur much earlier or not at all. Physiological changes related to a drop in levels for women are vaginal dryness, hot flashes, osteoporosis, heart issues, negative moods, dry skin, thinning hair, poor sleep, joint pains, loss of libido and cognitive loss. Men might experience muscle weakness, reduced endurance, bone loss, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and cognitive loss.
People that visit holistic physicians may state that they want to do things in a “natural” way. However, the entirely natural progression of events for many is the decline of hormones, the gradual loss of function and quality of life, and ultimately, demise. Of course, there are a number of ways to positively impact this slow, downward spiral, and the creation of comprehensive programs that include diet, supplements, behavioral change and exercise are expected from integrative or functional practitioners. The re-balancing of all hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, pregnenolone, DHEA, cortisol and thyroid is an essential component of these programs.
The elements are introduced via the use of prescription “bioidentical” hormones, (biologically identical to those that have been in our body since birth, no strangers to the system), in dosages carefully customized to reflect lab test results and clinical response. They must be re-assessed over time. Patient education and participation in arriving at a mutually agreed-upon plan is essential, and other safety practices and monitoring steps must also be put into place. The truth is that hormones are not to be feared. Used properly, they are an intrinsic part of overall optimal health and successful anti-aging planning.
Robin Ellen Leder, M.D. was mentored by Robert Atkins, M.D., author of The Atkins Diet, and has been practicing integrative/alternative medicine for more than 30 years at her office, A Better Alternative Medical Center, in Hackensack.