Feeling Safe After Trauma
In order to grow and evolve our souls, we need experiences which challenge us. Trauma challenges us, but is hard to let go; it isn’t a one time event. Trauma energy remains in our energy fields if not resolved. This stuck energy can become congealed and block energy flow in our energy body, causing myriad effects. This congealed energy triggers overreaction when something similar happens again, which means we are already in heightened alert for a new trauma lurking around the corner. We just don’t feel safe after a trauma. Our energies lock us in or shield us from the next inevitable trauma. We feel imprisoned.
This energetic shield of reactive energies is established to protect us. We become hyper-sensitive or hyper-aware of the next potential event that could traumatize us. We expect it will happen again and feel like victims of our circumstances. We want to hide from the world that is out to get us—again. We remain in survival mode, trying to avoid any new trauma.
A study performed by Kaiser and the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control of 17,000 people illustrated that health issues correlated to adverse childhood experiences (ACE), which include physical or emotional neglect, physical, emotional or sexual abuse and household dysfunction such as mental illness, substance abuse, divorce, parent treated violently and incarcerated relatives. In the study, 67 percent reported at least one ACE. Twenty percent reported three or more ACEs. When participants reported four or more ACEs, there was a direct correlation to heart disease (240 percent), cancer (190 percent), drug abuse (1,030 percent), stroke (240 percent), diabetes (160 percent), suicide attempt (1,120 percent), obesity (160 percent), and depression (460 percent). In those with six or more ACEs, the associated life expectancy decreased almost 20 years.
The ACEs cause a dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system (ANS), which focuses on surviving rather than thriving in optimal health life patterns. Physical and emotional behaviors difficult to diagnose often can be attributed to a dysregulation of ANS.
These people will most likely not be able to distinguish between an unsafe past and a safe present and have trouble turning off the need to protect. Very often our need for love connection is replaced by the need for protection.
One of the energy system associated with ANS is called Triple Warmer (TW), and it is responsible for our survival. TW is responsible for personal safety and builds the energetic shield, or protective wall, around us. We can befriend TW energy and calm it down. We can release its hold on us. We can work with TW and open up the ability to accept a present state of safety. Calming TW regulates ANS. Befriending TW energy will help us move forward authentically and reconnect to our true selves to be positive in the world. Then we can live our best life.
Contact Dr. Anne Deatly at 201-925-1046 or Anne.Deatly@gmail.com.