The Critical Role of the Colon in Total Health
One may think of holistic medicine as medicine that employs natural, non-pharmacological methods to promote wellness and support great health, and that is quite true. But another key aspect of holistic medicine is that it is based on the reality that all systems in the body function as a whole.
In this context, though it may seem illogical at first glance, it is impossible, for example, to gain a true understanding of many dermatological problems, psychiatric problems, or auto-immune problems (to name just a few), let alone GI issues, without exploring diet, sensitivities to certain foods, and the balance of bacteria in the gut, known as the “microbiome”. Why then aren’t these explorative tests run by dermatologists, psychiatrists, rheumatologists, and gastroenterologists? In all fairness, several of them do indeed search into these areas. But, by and large, these would be specialists who had in fact incorporated some degree of holistic or functional medicine into their practices. For the most part, this type of testing would be bypassed and so, left to integrative/holistic practitioners to pursue.
Here we spotlight the role of exploration of the colon’s population of organisms via stool testing. Several excellent, reliable labs do this testing, most, unfortunately not covered by traditional health insurance. But the insight into total health gained from comprehensive stool tests is absolutely invaluable. It includes:
- Are nutrients being properly digested and absorbed?
- Are there enough beneficial bacteria to support a strong immune system?
- Are undesirable bacteria or yeast organisms in excess?
- Are hidden parasites causing countless serious negative health effects throughout the body?
- Is the lining of the colon impaired and full of inappropriate tiny openings (so-called “Leaky Gut Syndrome”)?
If the organisms in the colon are found to be out of proper balance, with the right treatment and with reasonable effort, this can be corrected. Left uncorrected, however, an immunological “mess” is easily created. Food and toxins enter the body inappropriately through the gut lining, lymphatic drainage into the colon is ineffective, and the toxins that are released into the colon (detoxification), can easily return right back into the body through the “leaks” in the gut wall. This sets the stage for the excess accumulation of high toxin levels the body, and a subsequent variety of immunological and other conditions.
The colon and its “microbiome” act in multiple ways to affect our body systems, particularly the nervous system.
- There are many serotonin dinging sites in the colon (hence, it is referred to as “the second brain”)
- The colon bacteria provide genetic input of their own to our bodies (“the third brain”)
- The bacteria can enter the bloodstream where thy impact health
- Some bacteria travel to the brain, where they take up residence, which has a direct impact on the nervous system (‘the fourth brain”)
To sum it up, healthy colon allows for proper digestion and absorption of food and the nutrients it contains, participates with the kidney as a site for toxin disposal, and provides immunological and neurological support. So, do not be surprised if you visit a holistic doctor complaining of a rash or any other non-gastroenterological problem, and they ask you to take home and complete a stool testing kit. That kit may well provide important clues as to how to restore or maintain the exceptional health that we all seek.
Robin Ellen Leder, M.D., was mentored by Robert Atkins, M.D., author of The Atkins Diet, and has been practicing integrative/alternative medicine for more than 30 years at A Better Alternative Medical Center, in Hackensack.