Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer – Anita Krizzan
Every year at this time, the cold of winter melts away and spring brings a new beginning. More so this year due to last few years of pandemic. New beginnings are never easy, but we have some uplifting to do to restart our normal lives, enjoy summer!
It has been long established fact that increased urbanization and consumerist behavior of humans, has stressed the mother Earth. The Earth day was instituted to remind and educate us to love and preserve Earth. Scientist have been pleading to preserve natural forests, saving wild places is critical for human health and well- being, The cover story has some inspirational stoires of people and communities not only preserving the local nature but even creating new natural habitat.
The green living section wonderfully describes the use of technology – namely mobile apps to learn and get closure to our flora and fauna. These is very relevant considering how much our life have become dependent on Apps these days. There are multitude of Apps that will make it easy for all of us specially the newer generation to learn and know about our nature.
There is lot of good information inside, with something for everyone.
Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. Visit us online on Facebook, Instagram and our website, NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!