Summer is the Happiest Season
While putting together our Healthy Food special issue for July, I remember someone saying, “You are what you eat.” It cannot be truer and more important with today’s rapid increase in science and technology, because every aspect of food has been tinkered with. For good or for ill, we now have GMOs creating new varieties in just a few years compared to the slow and natural evolution which took eons, allowing the rest of Earth’s habitat, including human body, to adapt naturally. The increase in food production necessary to address the needs of an ever-increasing human population may also be reason behind increase in allergic reactions, immunity disorders and chronic disease.
While the research is ongoing and the extent of technology’s impact is being debated, we at Natural Awakenings are dedicated to bringing you all things natural. Our feature story, “The Healthy Food Movement,” provides some insight into the new trends and their impact on our food supply, with an emphasis on going local and fresh. With the arrival of summer, “Cool Treats for Hot Days,” in our Healthy Kids department, gives parents the perfect opportunity to create healthy cool treats for kids while they are out of school—and themselves, too!
The Green Living department provides tips on gardening techniques that provide food and safe heaven for beneficial invertebrates like bees, while keeping our families (and pets) free from scary chemicals. It’s a must-read for all home gardeners and DIY lawn caretakers.
There is lot of good information inside this magazine, with something for all ages. There is even more in our online edition at Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. Like us on Facebook and Instagram.
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!