Heal the Past and Embrace the Present with Past-Life Regression
Certified PLR Lois Kramer-Perez, C.Ht., will host an experiential evening exploring the way to uncover, unravel or release from 2 to 3:30 p.m., August 21, in person at the Hope Wellness Center and online via Zoom.
Trained and certified by noted author Brian L. Weiss M.D., Kramer-Perez says, ” Understanding the past opens your ability to embrace your present. Have you ever sensed something familiar when visiting a place for the first time or when meeting someone new, you felt an instant connection? You may have found yourself repeating the same pattern over and over again without any rhyme or reason. Maybe you have recurring dreams that feel so real. Karma—what part does it play in your life today, tomorrow or the past?”
Cost is $45. Location: 2 Walnut St., Hope. Register at LoisKramerPerez.com/my-events. For more information, call 201-906-5767 or email Lois@LoisKramerPerez.com. See ad on page xx