How Shock and Trauma Invade and Dysregulate the Body
Shock and trauma can enter the energy body and physical body quite unexpectedly. Trauma energy can disrupt the regulated cycles and patterns of energy flow known as optimal health, resiliency and vibrancy. If the energy systems are balanced, grounded, organized and flowing well, the trauma energy may easily leave the body and ground into the earth. In this case, there may not be any long-term effects.
However, if the energy systems are not organized, grounded or balanced, there’s an increased likelihood the trauma energy will get stuck or congested in a place already experiencing stagnation or blocked energy flow. This trauma energy will likely cause distortions, disconnections and disorganization that leads to dysregulation in the physical body and/or the nervous system.
For example, the skeletal structure of the body, the grid, can break. The circuitry of the body can be affected easily by disruptive forces such as cold, wind, heat, damp heat, dampness and dryness. These “climates” in the body can blow the circuits within the body like electric circuits in our houses.
In general, we all are naturally oriented to danger and receive the danger signal of the trauma/shock in the sensory organs like the eyes and ears. Often, there are physical symptoms or tension around the eyes, neck or the forehead in people that have experienced trauma/shock. In our orientation toward danger, we could likely turn our heads and neck in the danger direction and our internal circuitry can be affected.
If the danger signal is too overwhelming, the information gets sent to the midbrain, the emotional part where all the autonomic nervous system responses like rapid breathing, increased heart rate and flight/flight/freeze responses occur. These responses are all non-cognitive. Danger that comes into the midbrain may result in a feeling of shutting down, which is the shock aspect. We may feel our breath taken away, our heart cold or icy, and immediate coldness or hollowness can result. Our shoulders and neck may brace or tense up due to the danger. We may also experience the feelings of being pushed back, throat tightness and nausea or abdominal pain.
There are lots of negative effects on the energy body and the physical body from trauma and shock. Some people live with the effects for their whole lives and it becomes their norm. However, there’s a safe way to resolve the dysregulation and blown circuitry of trauma.
Dr. Anne Deatly, an energy medicine practitioner, can guide the trauma energy out of the mental/emotional body and the physical body, and then rebalance all the energy systems that were disrupted. For more information, call 201-925-1046 or email