Pendulums for Personal Clearing
Lois Kramer Perez, CHt, certified in feng shui, hypnosis, NLP and energy clearing, will teach a class on the basics plus advanced uses for pendulums at 7 p.m., November 15, at Emerson High School. Participants will practice using the pendulum to receive information and learn how to clear space for themselves and others.
The experienced teacher and author says, “Pendulums have been used for dowsing and accessing intuition for hundreds of years. You’ve seen people hold a ring on a string over a pregnant woman’s belly to see if she is having a boy or a girl. Pendulums have become a very popular tool today.” No pendulum experience is required. Students can bring their own or one will be provided.
Location: 131 Main St., Emerson. To register, call 201- 262-5502. For more information, visit