Happy Holidays
Dear Santa,
I hope you are having a great year and ready for the holiday season. Remember me, Aviana, and my little brother Avyan? Well, guess what? I’m a 5th grader in middle school now! Avyan is a 1st grader at Ridge Ranch Elementary. Middle school is challenging and fun!
There’s so much going on that we need to change. Climate change is causing natural disasters, such as flooding, hurricanes, and rising sea levels.
In fact, some of the beach properties in NJ will be underwater by 2050! Can you help increase awareness about climate change? You have, for the most part, ended covid, but could you finish it for good?
People in countries should maintain peace, help each other, & not have wars. Life is too precious to waste on wars. Bring some nice gifts for us, and we will leave some cookies, carrots, & milk for you!
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!
Love and Hugs,
Aviana & Avyan Singh