Happy New Year and an amazing opportunity for a new you!
As 2022 comes to a close, we give a warm welcome filled with hope and joy to 2023, and are so grateful to our readers and sponsors for your belief, trust and support of our mission. Reviewing the past year and planning ahead for the coming year presents an opportunity to restart things that we couldn’t do before, set new goals and create a new vision for personal and professional growth.
So the big question everyone asks around this time of year is: what 2023 will be like? We want to have crystal ball to see in future and hope to influence it to be even better. But the reality is that the future is in our hands, and we can make it what we want it to be. What you think about, you bring about. If you put all your focus, energy and positive thoughts toward whatever it is you want, you’d be amazed at what opportunities come knocking.
“When you want something, all the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist
Our January issues has new look, but is the same source of rich information for everyone about health and wellness from our local community and health care providers. We focus on all-important brain health and its longevity in our feature story, “Brain Power Boosters,” which outlines healthy eating habits, but equally important, mindful practices like meditation and breathing exercises, along with being socially active with friends and family. With the annual outbreak of flu season, refer the healing benefits of halotherapy in “Salt Therapy for Wintertime Woes.”
Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. Like us on Facebook and Instagram. Find even more great information in our online edition at NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.
Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!