Energetic Bridge Between the Heart and Soul
All energy systems have an epicenter to align the flow of energy; a center of rotation. In the macrocosm, galaxies, storms, planets and stars all have epicenters. In the microcosm, atoms and molecules have epicenters. Human energy systems are no exception. The epicenter in humans is called the Assemblage Point. If aligned properly, it sits about two feet in front of the heart in the aura. It is not part of the heart chakra, even though it is in the same location. Life force energy comes into the body at the Assemblage Point, but miraculously, it also acts like a connector or bridge between the heart and the soul. This energy helps us align with our true selves and connect with our divine mission in this lifetime.
According to the Assemblage Point Centre (AssemblagePointCentre.com), the Assemblage Point is associated with a channel of energy that runs horizontally through our energy fields from the front to the back, intersecting with the energy of our central vertical channel, or energetic core, that supports the chakras, dantian points, yin and yang vortexes and stellar diamonds—the essence of who we are. Together, these two channels of energy form a cross.
If these they are in proper alignment, there is an optimal amount of energy flow to all our cells. We experience an optimal balance in life, and our mental, physical and emotional states are aligned and functioning optimally. Alignment of energies is key to living our best lives and being the best versions of ourselves. If situated in the right location about two feet in front of our heart and thymus area, then we are walking toward what our soul knows as we go through life. We are then aligned with our soul’s guidance system, aligned with the wisdom of who we really are to be in this lifetime.
Traumatic events such as abuse, violence, verbal and emotional attacks, divorce, prolonged stress and anxiety, physical accidents, substance abuse, prolonged illness, shock, heartbreak, depression and even childbirth can knock the Assemblage Point out of alignment. Symptoms of misaligned Assemblage Points include exhaustion, depression, extreme anxiety, social anxiety, extended or serious illness, chronic fatigue, apathy, chronic stress and mood swings.
Realigning the Assemblage Point can have the most profound effect on someone with any of these symptoms. Health can improve and a sense of peace and well-being is possible. The person’s reality and attitude can improve, and a renewed sense of self and self-worth can result. Also possible is an awareness or sense of purpose, improved vibrancy and vitality, and increased gratitude. Shifting the Assemblage Point back to the center of the body reunites the heart and soul… a sense of coming home.
For more information, call Anne Deatly at 201-925-1046 or email Anne.Deatly@gmail.com