The Safe and Conservative Use of Bio-identical Hormones
At some point in the lives of nearly all women and many men, an issue arises of the possible need for sex hormone replacement therapy. For women, this typically occurs with the onset of perimenopause or menopause. For men, this may occur at any age, even in one’s twenties. When symptoms occur that suggest the necessity for hormone replacement, blood testing can be done although results must be paired with clinical reality. If low levels are established via testing, and/or clinically suspected, a course of hormone replacement monitored by an experienced physician is potentially in order. In a discussion about implementing hormone therapy, several questions arise:
1 – Which kind is best?
Hormones are in our bodies all of our lives. The replacement hormones used in most traditional settings are manufactured with chemical alterations to allow pharmaceutical companies to brand and patent them. These hormones are not identical to those found in our bodies, and so, cannot interplay physiologically as can natural hormones. There does exist a class of hormones that are manufactured to be exactly the same in chemistry as innate bodily hormones, produced by smaller manufacturers. These are termed “bio-identical hormones”, and they function just like those that have been in your body from day one.
2 – Why are bio-identicals “better?”
First, they interact naturally with your body chemistry, as if your body made them itself. Second, they can be given with much greater precision, customized to each individual to decimal specificity, and changed with the body’s changing needs.
3 – Are bio-identicals safe?
Used at low levels, they are not only safe, and provide relief from the many symptoms of hormone deficiency, but also, while taking them, a solid program of safety should always be part of any protocol. This would include:
- Balancing effective estrogens (E1, E2) with anti-carcinogenic estrogens (E3)
- Monitoring levels so they stay within guidelines
- Radiological/manual testing of the pelvic organs and prostate
- Switching from mammographic breast irradiation to thermology, a sensitive noninvasive breast screening tool
- Regularly using supplements tailored to protect the breasts, pelvic organs and prostate
4 – What is the best way to administer bio-identical hormones?
This requires a thorough discussion with each individual to understand lifestyle and explain the pros and cons of each available treatment method. Methods include compounded topical creams, oral tablets, sublingual lozenges, vaginal suppositories, topical patches, pellet inserts, and intramuscular injections. Each of these has multiple pros and cons, and although one may more closely mimic physiology than another, it may not be right due to lifestyle, side effects, or lack of absorption in a given patient. It is important that the physician explains the methods clearly and objectively and works with the patient to find the uniquely ideal solution for them.
5 – How often are bio-identicals used?
Again, this is a personal choice partly related to method. Dosing may be daily, several times a day, weekly, or every few months. So, various regimens must be tailored to suit each person. Therapy can be continued for life to maintain benefits unless there is some specific contraindication.
Bio-identical hormones can offer so much more than symptom relief period they can improve the heart, muscles, bone, cognition, skin and hair, sleep, and overall longevity. Creating the right program with the right physician, and monitoring it regularly is critical to safety and success. It is a conversation well worth having with your doctor.
Robin Ellen Leder, M.D. provides functional medicine guidance at her office in Hackensack, NJ. After working with Dr. Robert Atkins, she opened her own office and there she has treated multiple thousands of patients seeking assistance with hormonal imbalance, fatigue, gut issues, psychological concerns, autoimmune disease and various forms of toxicity. In-depth, innovative testing, nutritional counseling, IV therapy, chelation therapy, and psychological counseling are all offered to patients on a one-on-one basis with the doctor. More is available at her website,