Starseeds are All Around Us
The standard for all Starseeds concepts shared are:
- Highly Sensitive Beings with higher perceptions and Intuitive Abilities.
- Sensitive to food allergies like artificial food colors, GMOs, gluten, some processed food, and inorganic or pasteurized dairy leads to digestive issues.
- Inorganic materials like toxic sunscreen with heavy metals, food cooked in heavy industrial settings, and lower-grade oils or food produced.
- Skin Allergies can be the end result of inorganic clothing. Fabrics like cotton, hemp, etc, could resolve these conditions where, as synthetic fabrics like polyester restricts breathability generating personal hygiene conditions.
There are many other common factors that are present on Earth which could be considered in addressing these precious energy beings amongst us.
Rainbow Starseeds are the most awaited Starseeds since the times of the ancient worlds. These Starseeds have been witnessed since the human DNA primarily experienced the discord in their higher consciousness due to extraterrestrials who visits earth and were not benevolent for humans. They brought in a fall from grace for humans, which led to human separation from unconditional love, which is our true Divine Blueprint. More details about this can be found on
These Rainbow Starseeds are highly intuitive. Rainbow Starseeds are born with infinite wisdom and capabilities to change the world around them. Rainbows are born with skills of other time, space, and continuum. In other words, multidimensional and other planetary capabilities. Rainbows are incredibly affectionate and loving. Rainbows adapt to human incarnations more efficiently than other Starseeds.
Rainbows are very well known to radiate enormous love and compassion and are highly influential as they are very perceptive about human requirements.
Rainbows have the infinite wisdom of divine judgments; hence, they can sense, scan, and alter these imbalanced energies for the betterment of planet Earth. They are genuinely pioneer gifts for humanity for the upliftment and ascension of humanity’s consciousness and Mother Earth.
Reshma Shah has been working with Young adults for over two decades. You can receive information about current workshops and parenting solutions with individual and group sessions by reaching out to: or 908-228-1101.