
Publisher's Letter Summertime

Published on May 31st, 2024 | by Anil Singh


Summertime Is Here At Last!

It’s summer, and I can see that it tends to get busier around this time of year, even though the days are longer. As schools work toward finishing all their coursework and kids have graduation concerts, as well as their annual assessments, business owners and managers wish to wrap up their projects or make arrangement to “park” them for the summer.

At Natural Awakenings, it is summer all the time as we work to bring best of local content as well as very detailed and informative national articles to our readers. For our June topic of Men’s Health, which is often the most neglected in the household due to negligence and procrastination over other priorities, we address their often-ignored mental health, which has seen a troubling increase in last few years, as well as a holistic approach with lifestyle and dietary habits for prostate cancer prevention.

I want to make special mention of a local entrepreneur, Ms. Ena Forbes, CEO and founder of Mom and Paps Home Care. LLC. She has worked to create a very valuable best-in-class home care service with customized service based on the clients’ needs.

Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your best all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. For regular updates on natural health and wellness, like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Find even more great information in our online edition at NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.

Enjoy life and stay healthy, stay happy!

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