
Publisher's Letter tribe

Published on July 31st, 2024 | by Anil Singh


The Comfort of Being With Our Own Tribe

We hope you are inspired to head outdoors and enjoy the warm weather, while keeping hydrated and avoiding excessive direct sunlight.

We all are somewhat vulnerable, and may often feel alone in unknown and unfamiliar situations, which is the reality our modern world. Transportation and lifestyle choices compel us to move around, so once we find our destination of choice, we want to join the community and create a symmetrical societal structure around us.

We like to engage in activities that we enjoy, network and socialize with like-minded people and families in the pursuit of a safe and comfortable environment. In an ever-evolving world, this becomes a major challenge, so that people tend to create a micro-scale, homogenous society locally because we have become a very heterogenous society globally. Both online and in-person dynamics can make communication easier, but can create different challenges. Overall, the comfort of being with our own type trumps the rest of our needs.

Natural Awakenings of North Jersey is your best all-season health and wellness resource for body, mind and soul—the physical body and inner, spiritual, well-being. For regular updates on natural health and wellness, like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Find even more great information in our online edition at NaturalAwakeningsNNJ.com.

Enjoy life and stay healthy, stay happy!

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