Connecting to Your True Self
In my book, Journey to True Self: Discover Your Divine Magnificence, I guide you on a spiritual path of growth. One of my intentions was to combine the science and spirituality to allow the possibility for you to understand they are the same thing with different names and different perspectives; but nonetheless the same. I also wanted these high vibrational concepts to be grounded in science.
Just like there are many roads that lead to Rome, there are many roads to understanding your True Self. My goal is for you to actually discover the truth about you and why you are here on Earth. Did you know that this is what most spiritual seekers want to know—who they really and why they are here. There is so much more available if we open to the potential beyond the third-dimensional world. People like you are starting to wake up and want to know the truth and the wisdom of how this world or the Universe really works, in addition to who they really are.
In my experience, no one has ever referred to themselves as Divine Magnificence. You too, likely fall into that same category. But what if you could refer to yourself as Divine Magnificence? What if you could discover yourself as this awe-inspiring individual with unlimited potential? How would that change your life? What would you allow yourself to become?
This concept is more about being than doing. You don’t have to accomplish anything to be Divine Magnificence. Divine Magnificence has been infused into your physical body right down to your cells. How amazing is that? I invite you to take a few minutes and really feel that truth in your body. What does that feel like? I want you to feel that in your heart. What does your heart feel about Divine Magnificence? I emphasize this because your mind is likely telling you this isn’t true. Don’t listen to your mind. Listen to your heart.
What may also be mind blowing is that each and every one of us has the capacity to connect to our True Selves. You might even connect without realizing it. You can learn to communicate with your True Self very easily. Just set an intention. Connect to your heart- stay out of your head. Take some deep breaths. Drop into your heart space. Feel a loving presence within you. You can even visualize an open a door to your heart and walk into your heart space. You might even see a bright white light in the doorway. Then ask a question, like, what would my True Self have me know right now? Then just start writing or speaking the answer that flows to you. You will be amazed what flows from you. Your True Self might even tell you that you are Divine Magnificence!
If anyone is interested in finding out more about connecting to your True Self, please contact me at or 551-500-5011.