2025: Seeing Through a New Lens
What if you changed the lens you viewed the world in this new year? What could that do for you? What would change for you in the coming year? The answer is….. everything!!!
What I am about to propose is very different from any other new year’s message you are going to hear. If you are ready for a radical shift in your life, then I recommend you read on.
How can I make this bold proposal to you to see your life and your world through a different lens in 2025? I believe so strongly this proposal is the one shift that everyone needs to make to change their world in the most positive way–but most importantly it is a shift in how people view themselves in the most empowering, loving, and bold way.
Most likely, you view yourself as a physical body that has many characteristics of being—mother/father, child, sister/brother, aunt/uncle, career/life calling, worker/expert in your field….I could go on. But do you ever view yourself as something beyond the physical world paradigm of life?
My proposal is to start viewing yourself from the eternal part of you—your Soul, your True Self. This part of you is love at the core, extremely wise, and willing to do whatever it takes to become the best version of you. It is the part that is overshadowed by the ego mind that wants to control you, instill fear in you, and block you from stepping forward in courage on the path you’re meant to be on in this life. The ego does this for you to survive but it also severely limits you.
One way to start viewing yourself in this new way is to acknowledge that you are an energy being, first and foremost. Your energy beingness is within and beyond your physical body and regulating your whole physiology. Your energy beingness is your connection to the spiritual realm. There is an inextricable connection between the physical and spiritual realms. We’ve been programmed to believe that nothing is real unless we can see it, touch it. However, this is one of the most limiting ways to live life. Most likely, it will cost you accomplishing your Divine Mission. It will cost you tapping into your highest potential. It will cost you living as if everything is a miracle. It will cost you the connection to the deepest love, joy, and peace possible. It will cost the desired evolution of your Soul.
This energy being or Soul is the aspect of you that is intuitive, sensitive, and knowing. Your Soul would love for you to follow its guidance and live a life of extreme happiness, joy, and fulfillment.
You can learn more about your Soul or True Self in my recent book, Journey to True Self: Discover Your Divine Magnificence (DrAnneDeatly.com/book/). If anyone wants to balance their energy systems to align with their True Self, please contact me at 551-500-5011 or anne.deatly@gmail.com.