
Global Briefs carbondioxide

Published on February 27th, 2025 | by Natural Awakenings Publishing Corp.


New Uses for Carbon Dioxide

While the world struggles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, engineers are working to find practical and economically feasible ways to capture and convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into useful products. Research from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology published in Nature Communications describes efficiently converting CO2 into ethylene, a chemical that is widely used in plastics and fuels.

The engineers developed new electrode materials made of micrometric copper wire woven through thin sheets of Teflon. The electrochemical process that converts CO2 into ethylene involves a water-based solution and catalyst using the new electrode materials, which come into contact with an electric current in a device called a gas diffusion electrode. Engineers believe that their process is scalable for large conversions of CO2 into ethylene and other high-value chemical products such as methane, methanol and carbon monoxide.

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