Seven Compelling Reasons to Use a Fitness Trainer
September 29th, 2018 | by Maria Karameros
by Maria Karameros Fitness trainers are not just for celebrities that need quick results for a film role or novice [&hellip
September 29th, 2018 | by Maria Karameros
by Maria Karameros Fitness trainers are not just for celebrities that need quick results for a film role or novice [&hellip
September 29th, 2018 | by Susan Matos-Cloke
by Susan Matos-Cloke Pharmaceutical companies specialize in the marketing of synthetic non-bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) drugs. The biggest sellers [&hellip
September 29th, 2018 | by Lorraine Ferrier
by Lorraine Ferrier Nevsah F. Karamehmet is a breath specialist, author, motivational speaker and director of the Breath Coaching Federation. [&hellip
September 29th, 2018 | by Dr. Doug Pucci
by Doug Pucci Chronic inflammation is at the root of myriad health problems from arthritis and heart disease to [&hellip
September 27th, 2018 | by Linda Sechrist
Fresh Hope for a Troubled Planet by Linda Sechrist Recognizing that it might be too late by the time they [&hellip
September 12th, 2018 | by Sarah Weinstock
by Sarah Weinstock For some, making decisions can be difficult and even stressful, especially when there is a lack of [&hellip
September 12th, 2018 | by Dr. Doug Pucci
by Doug Pucci The debate over whether a vegan diet is healthier than a diet that includes animal products has [&hellip
September 12th, 2018 | by Susan Matos-Cloke
by Susan Matos-Cloke Normal functioning ovaries produce testosterone and estrogen. Most people are familiar with testosterone as a male sex [&hellip
September 12th, 2018 | by Brielle Bleeker
by Brielle Bleeker It is choice that makes us adopt a lifestyle of wellness. Most people start with diet and [&hellip
September 1st, 2018 | by Marlaina Donato
Fusion Styles Offer Fresh Choices by Marlaina Donato While interest in traditional yoga remains strong, a groundswell of new styles [&hellip