Green Living Archives — Page 13 of 14 — Natural Awakenings | Northern New Jersey

Browsing the "Green Living" Category

Eco Feng Shui

January 31st, 2015 | by Sarah Tarver-Wahlquist

Tips to Bring More Positive Energy into Your Home “Spring is wood energy and represents rebirth, a chance for a [&hellip

Solar Blocks

October 1st, 2014 | by Neville Williams

Economics, rather than technological concerns, are now driving the adoption of clean, safe, solar electricity to preserve the environment. During [&hellip

Musician with a Cause

June 1st, 2014 | by Meredith Montgomery

Jack Johnson Plans Shows with the Planet in Mind Singer-songwriter Jack Johnson’s touring concerts have almost always doubled as fundraisers [&hellip

Feng Shui Fashionista ~ Dressing with Conscious Intention

April 30th, 2014 | by Gail Condrick

Waking up on the morning of a big presentation to secure city funding for a new park, you’re confident that you’ve done your homework: You’ve prepared handouts, memorized key points of an environmental impact study and lined up community supporters. Opening the closet presents a different kind of challenge: What’s the most effective way to dress

HOMEMADE ECO-CLEANERS ~ DIY Recipes Keep Your Home Naturally Clean

March 29th, 2014 | by Lane Vail

Americans use 35 million pounds of toxic household cleaning products annually. According to the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition, in Los Angeles, traces of cleaning chemicals can be found throughout the human body within seconds of exposure, posing risks like asthma, allergies, cancer, reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity and death

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