July 6th, 2015 | by Judith Fertig
In 1776, the stirring phrase in the U.S. Declaration of Independence—life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—became a rallying cry [&hellip
July 6th, 2015 | by Judith Fertig
In 1776, the stirring phrase in the U.S. Declaration of Independence—life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—became a rallying cry [&hellip
July 6th, 2015 | by Judith Fertig
In 1776, the stirring phrase in the U.S. Declaration of Independence—life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—became a rallying cry [&hellip
June 8th, 2015 | by Kathleen Barnes
Today’s rates of male infertility and sexual dysfunction suggest that low testosterone is rapidly becoming a national problem. Johns Hopkins [&hellip
May 2nd, 2015 | by Judith Fertig
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. ~Michael Pollan We read the labels touting low sugar, carbs, fats and calories. [&hellip
March 29th, 2015 | by John D. Ivanko and Lisa Kivirist
Homemade Delicacies, Direct from Our Neighbors Neighbors in most states can now legally buy fresh breads, cookies and preserves from [&hellip
February 28th, 2015 | by Judith Fertig
Katie Newell, a blogging Kansas City mother of two who fights inflammation from several autoimmune diseases, is rigorous about the [&hellip
January 31st, 2015 | by Lane Vail
The Right Foods Fight Off the Blahs Advertisements for antidepressants abound, yet a recent analysis in the Journal of the [&hellip
December 29th, 2014 | by Linda Sechrist
Our body’s hormones work like an orchestra; when one instrument is out of tune, the entire production struggles to maintain [&hellip
November 28th, 2014 | by Lane Vail
The holiday season is ripe with an array of spiritual, cultural and familial rituals. We celebrate, reflect, give gifts and [&hellip
November 1st, 2014 | by Judith Fertig
Healthy eating pays dividends in radiant skin, lustrous hair, sparkling eyes and a sleek physique. Wise food choices that optimize [&hellip