New Supplement Improves Brian Function
by Tom Mower
The aging brain undergoes gradual structural and functional changes as we age. Brain shrinkage begins at age 25 and by age 70, we are poised to lose about 25 percent of brain size. With this loss in size and function, dementia can set in. Alzheimer’s occurs in about 50 percent of the population.
The loss of functions and conditions caused by brain shrinkage are memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s, phobias, stress, anxiety (especially in women), sleep disorders and myriad other conditions. Our brain controls our body and its biological functions, so as it degenerates, so do other systems within our body. The brain is only about 1.5 percent of our body weight, but it consumes about 20 to 25 percent of the oxygen we breathe in. This huge consumption of oxygen is necessary because of the immense amount of activity going on in the brain.
Oxidation is necessary to release energy from fuel to the brain cells. This oxidation is similar to oxidation that creates rust in steel, and as the brain gets older, there is more oxidation that has occurred. Functions become tarnished, connections are broken, neurotransmitters that carry signals are corroded away. While oxidation is so necessary for healthy brain function, it’s a corrosive power accelerates degeneration and decay within the brain.
Major discoveries in highly advanced brain science have allowed Sisel International, a leading supplement and personal care products company, to formulate a dynamic, highly effective product called Brain Vitality. Extracts from bacopa, an ayurvedic, plant-based medicine and has been used, particularly in India, for several thousand years to improve mental functioning, including comprehension, memory and recollection.
Researchers have long known choline is the most important component of membranes. The latest research has developed a highly advanced acetylcholine support ingredient for the aging and aged brain. It supports both brain cells neurons and the ganglia, the connections between them. Test results on the ingredient have been spectacular, particularly where cognitive decline has been significant and dementia is pronounced.
Magnesium is an important element in the brain, but unfortunately it is not very biodegradable. Only a small amount is absorbed and many researchers believe without injecting it there is no way to attain the levels the brain needs to fight stress, anxiety, learning abilities, long and short term memory in both young and old. Magnesium-L-threonate, a new, highly bioavailable form, could play a significant role in electrolyte balance, conductivity and function of biological processes never before thought possible.
Curcuminoids from turmeric support antioxidant activities in the brain, and consideration is now being given to their role in providing nutritional support to the brain in its fight against the degenerative condition known as Alzheimer’s. DMAE and phosphatidylserine give specialized support to the formula.
The brain is by far the most important part of our body. This blend and array of ingredients, all working together for the optimal potential effects, may provide to the key to the brain’s mysteries, be it young or old, aged or aging.
For more information contact Michael Kohan at 917-470-0311 or, or visit