Welcome to the Food and Garden issue. You’re missing out if you haven’t yet created a small organic garden in your yard. There is something very rewarding and grounding about planting something and watching it grow as you nurture it along the way. You can also bet that your young children will get a big kick out of it, especially when they eat the fruits of their labor.
Food is a tricky animal. Why is most of the tastiest fare not very healthy? Could that simply be one of the cruel jokes perpetrated on us by the Universe? Richard Buckley, a “body mechanic” that counseled hundreds of clients on health, nutrition, and more every month at his former shop called Night Shade, in Marlboro, Massachusetts, once told me that condiments (think sauces and gravies, too) are hard on the liver and kidneys… and here I thought that French fries were created in order to be the perfect delivery system for ketchup.
After being married to a professional Thai chef for nine years, it’s difficult not to over-flavor even the simplest food, because your palate becomes more resilient and craves more flavor when regularly assaulted by the wonderful balance of complex, and at times, strong, flavors of Thai cuisine
The human brain is mostly addicted to sweet, salty and combinations of both flavors; the food industry knows this better than anyone and they exploit it! Just walk into any convenience or small grocery store and look around and try to find something relatively healthy. There’s hope, however. We have noticed more fresh fruit and vegetable choices at the rest stops along the New York State Thruway. Even some healthier snacks like those you would find at Whole Foods. The people have spoken!
Somehow, the message has also reached even the worst offenders, the fast food industry. Burger King has a new product it calls Satisfries. The French fries have 40 percent less fat than the fast-food chain’s current product and 30 percent fewer calories. Of course, they also have “big taste”. We’ll pass—it sound like greenwashing to us.
We fear that our brains and taste buds have been conditioned perhaps beyond repair. I’ll prove it. You’re at the movies with your mate. What do you think will put a bigger smile on her face? A Ziplock bag of fresh cut carrots or a large box of Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews?
Enjoy the slow-melting snow and the approaching anticipation of warmer days to come.