
Monthly Archives: March 2014

HOMEMADE ECO-CLEANERS ~ DIY Recipes Keep Your Home Naturally Clean

March 29th, 2014 | by Lane Vail

Americans use 35 million pounds of toxic household cleaning products annually. According to the Children’s Health Environmental Coalition, in Los Angeles, traces of cleaning chemicals can be found throughout the human body within seconds of exposure, posing risks like asthma, allergies, cancer, reproductive toxicity, hormone disruption, neurotoxicity and death

Good Riddance to Bad Vibes ~ Escaping Electromagnetic Exposure

March 29th, 2014 | by Priscilla Goudreau-Santos

We crackle with energy. Natural electromagnetic fields within us regulate how our bodies work. Plus, we continually encounter many outside energy fields from Wi-Fi, cell phones and towers, power lines, microwave ovens, computers, TVs, security devices and radar. A growing number of experts see these surrounding frequencies as an increasing danger to our well-being

Healing Nourishment

March 29th, 2014 | by Case Adams

Mushrooms are so versatile we can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They add a note of delicious creativity to diverse dishes. Plus they deliver protein, vitamins and protective compounds. Fresh is always best and just-picked is better, although dried can work in a pinch


March 11th, 2014 | by Linda Sechrist

Pioneering Doctors and Patients Reinvent Cardio Care In 1977, Dr. Dean Ornish began to think beyond an allopathic medicine paradigm [&hellip

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