Why Self-Help Rarely Helps
Rarely do people experience true and lasting transformational change. The missing link is the lack of energy in the highest, most evolved part of our brain. The culprit that is hijacking all of this energy and potential is our lower, survival brain. It had hundreds of thousands of years to get very adept at just surviving, and it does this by unconsciously rerouting our blood flow, oxygen, energy and metabolism as it deems fit, based on only one parameter—how to survive.
This lower brain cannot see happiness; it doesn’t care about finding out who we are and what we were meant to do. It doesn’t care about our goals and ambitions. All it cares about is that we survived until the next day, and then it says, “Success! Let’s do all of that again, and again and again,” because the logic of the lower brain is sameness equals safety. It is easy to see how this part of our brain has constantly been working against changing anything in our life.
We can have new thoughts, great goals, big dreams and compelling visions, but these thoughts, goals, dreams and visions are fleeting if the higher brain does not drive them forward. There must be a corresponding change in brain function to match our new thoughts, goals and dreams, or they do not become real.
Higher Brain Living (HBL) signals a major physiological shift that is setting humanity free. It is a unique, gentle touch process that surges energy through the body directly into the higher brain through the activation of energy pathways known by many ancient and current cultures as qi, chi, prana and kundalini. Looking at these pathways from a scientific perspective, research has revealed that they are piezoelectric in nature, which means they release energy when compressed or stretched gently in just the right way. Studies on energy medicine in therapeutics and human performance conducted by Dr. James Oschman, BS Biophysics, Ph.D. Biological Sciences, has revealed the nature of these pathways.
HBL revolutionized this understanding by cracking the code that allows us to powerfully and consistently cue these pathways, mobilizing this dormant energy and directing it to the higher brain. This increases the metabolism of the higher brain and wakes up its potential.
Dr. Penny Montgomery is a leading scientist in the field of neurofeedback training. She has been studying the brain and working with patients for more than 40 years. She recently conducted EEG studies on shifting energy using Higher Brain Living, and says, “There were phenomenal changes in the brain at exactly the right times with a transition of one state to the other in the prefrontal cortex. I never would have believed a brain could change that fast if I had not measured it myself!”
Once we increase the oxygen to the prefrontal cortex, it then activates the body’s ability to rejuvenate, feel inner calm, find meaning and effect change. That allows us to let go of stress and overwhelm, to experience joy, confidence and passion, and to grow and evolve every day. Our higher brain thus becomes an ally in effecting positive, permanent change.
Dr. Michael Cotton is a leading evolutionary theorist and the founder of Higher Brain Living. He holds a doctoral degree in chiropractic and is the creator of the revolutionary Higher Brain Living system. Visit hblnj.com for information on attending a live Higher Brain Living demonstration in Paramus.