How to Reclaim Your Health
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I recorded a podcast this month with my doctor, Steve Lavitan. I feel funny referring to him as my doctor, because I barely see him, perhaps because I had to become responsible for my own health back in December 2015. Several nights before Christmas I was made aware of micro-lesions that developed in my digestive tract as the result of eating spicy food on a daily basis.
Initially, I wasn’t exactly sure why it felt like a had a couple of bullet holes in my gut, so I contacted the best Eastern medicine diagnostics man in perhaps the world, Sir Richard Buckley, owner and operator of Night Shade, his former makeshift, store-front healing center of sorts in Marlborough, Massachusetts. This place will forever live in my memories. You not only got to learn about what was causing your health issues du jour. You got to also learn how to heal yourself… with Sir Richard’s guidance, of course.
The best thing about making the trek to Night Shade was the gospel you got to hear about your mind. Richard is one of the most psychically gifted people you will ever meet, and he would see your emotional issues and challenges and provide the necessary guidance, which at times was hilarious, because he had such an unorthodox and sometimes very comical bedside manner.
At age 10, his psychic abilities began to flourish after a near-death experience caused by being run over by a truck. Several of Richard’s organs were damaged by this accident and if he was going to survive, he had to nourish his body with foods that actually nourish the body, so that it could fully heal and also function well for years to come.
When I was informed about the micro-lesions, I also learned about my greatly compromised colon and my kidneys that were also compromised to a lesser degree. Back then, these organs were the product of years of pleasure eating, and in the end, I was eating so much glorious, fresh-baked, crispy Italian and French bread that I was beginning to develop skin rashes from this sustained overdose of gluten.
In closing, Richard said that I was an excellent candidate for skin cancer, and to stop eating that junk if I wanted to be around for while. So I did. I got off sugar, simple carbs like bread, pasta and rice and all the condiment-laden ethnic foods that I once craved, and traded them in for a daily intake of organic meat, fish, eggs with loads of dark, leafy greens and a variety of fiber-rich vegetables. I also began exercising on a regular basis for the first time since high school.
The big takeaway here? My former lifestyle was dis-empowering. My current lifestyle is empowering. I feel terrific… like I can conquer the world. When is the last time that you felt empowered? If it’s been a while, call me. I’ll get you back to your glory. A few months ago, I began helping a few select clients to transform their own lives. They are saving their health and I’m having a ball watching them do so. Feeling sick or tired? Then listen to this month’s podcast. Visit:
Jerry & Pat Hocek, Publishers