Discover the Law of Polarity
by Dr. Anne Deatly
There are seven major universal laws that govern every aspect of the universe. Because of these laws, the universe exists in harmony. The Law of Polarity is always operating. The universal Law of Polarity states there is an equal and opposite to everything. Nothing exists alone. Hiram Pagan explains the Universal Law of Polarity: “Everything can be separated into two wholly opposite parts, and that each of those still contains the potentiality of the other.”
It’s actually impossible to have one part without the other opposite (and equal) aspect. This universal law is in alignment with yin and yang‑a philosophy that opposites coexist to create the balance of the universe with the underlying purpose of equilibrium and synchronicity. Every event or situation just is. We each make it negative or positive by how we interpret it. If we’re thinking negatively, we can change our perspective to see the positive. We create our lives from our thoughts and beliefs.
If we are experiencing fear and anxiety during this time of social distancing to stop the spread of the virus, then be heartened to learn this event exists with its equal and opposite. If the COVID-19 event is fear and anxiety, the opposite is freedom and joy, or courage and peace. According to the universal Law of Polarity, these positive emotional states exist with the fear and anxiety of COVID-19.
Those deeply immersed in fear and anxiety won’t experience the freedom and joy or courage and peace. For every reason we feel sad or depressed, there’s going to be a reason to also be happy. This is a universal law. Every time we allow ourselves to feel an emotion, we also create the equal experience of the opposite. One-sidedness is an illusion. If we realize our negative thoughts aren’t the truth, then we’ll be able to open up to what the universe is really showing us. The universe is a completely balanced system equilibrated because of divine order.
If we’re able to perceive both sides of a situation (positive and negative), we will witness the divine perfection and balance of the universe. When we understand the Law of Polarity, we can apply it and align ourselves with it, and use it to our advantage and benefit. Only then will we transform the way we think, do and how we are being in every area of life.
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