Complementary Therapies for Parkinson
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy has been shown to increase circulation, stimulate lymphatic drainage, reduce muscle tension, and promote relaxation.
It can be particularly helpful to the person with PD who experiences problems with rigidity.
Massage is not a substitute for movement and exercise, but may be very helpful in your healing journey. Try to select a massage therapist
Who is certified by the American Massage Therapy Association, and find out what techniques they prefer to use. It’s also important to provide
Feedback to the therapist during the massage regarding the level of pressure you are comfortable with.
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an ancient form of Chinese exercise. It is a slow, flowing form of movement which has been shown to aid in flexibility, balance and
Relaxation. Many people with Parkinson’s disease have reported benefits from learning and practicing tai chi principles.
There are several forms of tai chi that can be done by anyone regardless of their age or physical condition. Classes are found at fitness centers, senior centers
And community recreation centers. It is important to find the the tai chi form that is best for you. You can also purchase videotapes or do online classes.
Yoga is a form of exercise that can be very helpful for persons with PD. Yoga has been shown to increase flexibility, increase breathing and posture awareness,
And help with relaxation and stress reduction. Yoga is a go at your own pace activity, which means that not everyone has to perform a pose the same way,
Or hold it for the same amount of time. Most poses can be modified depending on your own needs. It can even be performed in a chair!
Creative Expression
Creative expression is unique to each individual and may also stimulate movement and physical activity. Painting on an easel with large, forceful strokes
Stretches the arms and shoulders. Ceramics, woodworking (use caution with power tools) and other creative endeavors stimulate fine motor skills and improves
Dexterity and strength. Singing alone or in a choral group promotes deep breathing much needed for louder speech.
People with PD are encouraged to research and find the creative outlets that are a good fit for their talents and abilities.