We Are All Waves in the Ocean
Misery is living in fear, seeing the world from a lack and limitation perspective, and seeing ourselves as a physical body only. Misery is being disconnected from the divine and living a loveless life. Misery is listening to our ego.
We were all created by the divine to forever be connected to each other and the divine. The energy we were created in was love. One purpose we all have is to live from love and extend love to ourselves and all others.
According to the book A Course in Miracles, before we were created, we were an idea in the mind of the divine. There is no way we can uncreate that idea of us. There is no way we can delete the divine creation of us—who we really are. the divine creation of us cannot be undone, no matter what we do. We’re always and forever that divine idea. Sinlessness is guaranteed.
Something happened, and we veered from this connection with the divine and divine alignment with love. With our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, we, as a collective consciousness, created a world of fear, lack, limitation, confusion, stress, anxiety and chaos. We now see ourselves as separate from each other, and we fear what another can do to us. We fear we can be obliterated by the power of another that is also disconnected from the divine and disconnected from the Reality of Love.
We can get back to our divine alignment. We can start living in the real world of love. A Course in Miracles defines enlightenment as a shift in self-identification from body identification to spirit or soul identification.
Metaphorically, if we identify ourselves as separate waves in the ocean, we would fear obliteration by the other waves. But if we identify as a wave in the ocean connected to all other waves, we would connect to the power of the whole ocean. We would be in the oneness of the universe and we could love ourselves, love others and extend love out into the universe.
Once we identify ourselves as a soul, we see the world differently. We see ourselves differently. We are able to tap into our inner peace and unconditional love. We can understand ourselves as magnificent and divine. It is a choice.
When we see the world differently, we get out of misery we (as a collective consciousness) created. We can start to live our lives thinking thoughts from a divine perspective. We can see each other as soul’s on a spiritual journey seeking their magnificence and beyond.
Contact Dr. Anne Deatly at 201-925-1046 or anne.Deatly@gmail.com.